These Website Standard Terms of Use (these “Terms” or these “Website Standard Terms of Use”) contained herein on this webpage, shall govern your use of this website, including all pages within this website (collectively referred to below as this “Website”). These Terms apply in full force and effect to your use of this Website and by using this Website, you expressly accept all terms and conditions contained herein in full. You must not use this Website if you have any objection to any of these Website Standard Terms of Use.

This Website is not for use by any minors (defined as those who are not at least 18 years of age) and you must not use this Website if you a minor.

Please read these Terms of Use carefully before using this website (“Service” or “Services”) operated by Hybrid CNC Parts, LLC (“us”, ‘we”, “our”).

Conditions of use

We will provide our services to you, which are subject to the conditions stated below. Every time you visit this Website or use its Services, you accept the following conditions.

Privacy and other policies

Before you continue using our Website we advise you to read our Privacy Policy regarding our user data collection. It will help you better understand our practices.

Content published on this Website (including, but not exclusive to digital documents, images, texts, graphics, logos, etc.) is the property of Hybrid CNC Parts and/or its content creators and protected by international copyright laws. The entire compilation of the content found on this Website is the exclusive property of Hybrid CNC Parts, with copyright authorship for this compilation by Hybrid CNC Parts.


Every time you send us an email or visit our Website, you are going to be communicating with us. You hereby consent to receive communications from us. If you subscribe to any newsletter on our website, you will receive regular emails from us. We will continue to communicate with you by posting content and notices on our Website and by sending you emails. You also agree that all notices, disclosures, agreements, and other communications we provide to you electronically meet the legal requirements that such communications be in writing. You may unsubscribe from communications from us at any time.

Comments, reviews, and emails

Visitors who post content may do so if such content is not obscene, illegal, defamatory, threatening, infringing of intellectual property rights, invasive of privacy, or injurious in any other way to third parties. Content has to be free of software viruses, political campaigns, and commercial solicitation.

We reserve all rights (but not the obligation) to remove and/or edit such content. When you post your content, you grant Hybrid CNC Parts non-exclusive, royalty-free, and irrevocable right to use, reproduce, publish, modify such content throughout the world in any media.

We will only send you emails about topics such as news, offers, and developments if you have explicitly opted in to receive them. To request a copy of the information we have on file for you, to revise that information, to delete your information, or to unsubscribe at any time, you can email

We will never share or sell your information.

Rules for social interaction

We provide an inclusive, welcoming, and cooperative environment with any social media account we operate.

Trolls and trouble-makers will not be tolerated.

We will not engage if behavior or content is: Disrespectful, illegal, defamatory, derogatory, inflammatory, a commercial or personal solicitation.

We have the right to ban, delete, or block users and content that is deemed as such, with or without warning. If behavior, comments, media, or other content is considered to be illegal, we reserve the right to report such behavior or content to the appropriate authorities.
Applicable law

These Terms will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Massachusetts, and you submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the state and federal courts located in Massachusetts for the resolution of any disputes.

Any dispute related in any way to your visit to this Website or to products or services you purchase from us shall be arbitrated by state or federal court of the State of Massachusetts and you consent to exclusive jurisdiction and venue of such courts.

License and site access

We grant you a limited license to access and make personal use of this Website. You are not allowed to download or modify it. This may be done only with written consent from us.

Limitation of liability

In no event will Hybrid CNC Parts, nor any of its officers, directors, and employees, be liable to you for anything arising out of or in any way connected with your use of this Website, whether such liability is under contract, tort or otherwise, and Hybrid CNC Parts, including its officers, directors, and employees, will not be liable for any indirect, consequential, or special liability arising out of or in any way related to your use of this Website.


You hereby indemnify to the fullest extent Hybrid CNC Parts, its officers, directors, and employees from and against any and all liabilities, costs, demands, causes of action, damages, and expenses (including reasonable attorney’s fees) arising out of or in any way related to your breach of any of the provisions of these Terms.

User account

If you are an owner of an account on this Website, you are solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your private user details (including username and password). You are responsible for all activities that occur under your account or password.

We reserve all rights to terminate accounts, edit, or remove content and cancel orders at our sole discretion.

Variation of terms

Hybrid CNC Parts is permitted to revise these Terms at any time as it sees fit, and by using this Website you are expected to review such Terms on a regular basis to ensure you understand all terms and conditions governing use of this Website.
Entire agreement

These Terms, including any legal notices and disclaimers contained on this Website, constitute the entire agreement between Hybrid CNC Parts, LLC and you in relation to your use of this Website, and supersede all prior agreements and understandings with respect to the same.