Lose the Limitations

Combined additive and subtractive methods in one system.

Hybrid manufacturing leverages the advantages of each to efficiently produce complex, quality components that are too difficult or impossible to achieve with conventional manufacturing.

  • Greater customization options.
  • Disruptive technology that is seldom available outside of government or academic settings.
  • Ideal for rapid prototyping of high-fidelity parts.
  • Repair and refurbish existing components.
the interior of a wire-laser metal deposition hybrid manufacturing system, with a CNC drill on the left and laser unit on the right.

What is Hybrid Manufacturing?

Hybrid manufacturing merges additive and subtractive techniques into one system, leveraging the advantages of each to produce complex, quality components. It’s considered an advanced manufacturing method, bringing innovation, efficiency, and optimization to the production process.

The hybrid manufacturing process typically begins with additive manufacturing, where a 3D printer deposits or solidifies materials layer by layer to build a near-net shape. Excess material is then removed during the subtractive manufacturing phase using traditional machining techniques like milling, drilling, and grinding. This combination of additive and subtractive processes allows for increased design flexibility, less material waste, and accelerated production cycles.

Wire-Laser Metal Deposition

There are several types of metal additive methods that can be used in hybrid manufacturing, including wire-laser metal deposition (w-LMD), which is the preferred method of Hybrid CNC Parts.

With w-LMD hybrid manufacturing, welding wire is fed through print nozzles and melted by lasers. Hybrid CNC Parts w-LMD systems incorporate dual-head printers which allow for fast print times and seamlessly fabricated multi-alloy components.

The benefits of w-LMD over other metal hybrid methods—like powder-bed fusion or bound-filament printing—include fully dense parts, safer operations, and a diverse range of feedstock options, including high-performance materials like Inconel®, Invar®, and Stellite®.

Functionally-Graded Components

The metal 3D printers used by Hybrid CNC Parts are dual wire, able to accommodate two alloys simultaneously. Components with functional grading are useful for their enhanced mechanical properties, improved thermal performance, localized corrosion or wear resistance, and many more advantageous benefits.

Our process for multi-alloy components ensures proper integration of suitable materials for optimal functionality.

More information

Advanced manufacturing encompasses the use of innovative technologies, processes, and techniques to enhance productivity, efficiency, and quality in the manufacturing industry. It includes the integration of cutting-edge technologies such as automation, robotics, artificial intelligence, additive manufacturing, and the Internet of Things into production processes.

Advanced manufacturing focuses on optimizing every stage of production, from design to final assembly. By leveraging advanced technologies, manufacturers can streamline operations, reduce costs, and accelerate time to market while maintaining quality standards. These advancements result in greater customization options, flexibility, and scalability.

Additive and hybrid manufacturing are considered to be advanced manufacturing.

Additive manufacturing—or 3D printing—is a process that builds three-dimensional objects layer by layer from a digital model.

Material such as plastics, metals, ceramics, and composites are deposited one layer at a time. This approach enables the creation of complex, highly precise parts that may be challenging or impossible to achieve using traditional manufacturing techniques.

Compared to subtractive-only conventional manufacturing, there are several advantages to additive manufacturing including rapid prototyping, customization, reduced material waste, decentralized production, and on-demand manufacturing.

Subtractive manufacturing refers to the process of creating components by removing material from a larger block using methods such as cutting, milling, drilling, and grinding. This technique shapes the final product by subtracting material to achieve the desired dimensions and features.

Functional grading in metal additive manufacturing involves creating components with a gradual variation in material properties across their volume. This technique allows for the integration of different alloys within a single part, optimizing specific regions for desired characteristics like strength, hardness, or thermal resistance.

By precisely controlling material composition during the additive process, engineers can design components that meet complex performance requirements, such as improved wear resistance on the surface and enhanced toughness internally. Functional grading enhances the efficiency, durability, and functionality of parts, making it ideal for advanced applications.

Hybrid CNC Parts has developed its own functional grading process to ensure optimal integration of multiple alloys within a single component.

w-LMD and powder-bed fusion are both metal additive manufacturing methods. But w-LMD has several advantages over powder:

  • Efficiency: Faster and with less material waste than powder or bound filament methods.
  • Repair and Refurbishment: Worn or damaged parts can be repaired by adding material only where needed and then machining to the desired specifications.
  • Safety: There are no flammable or hazardous materials involved with w-LMD.
  • Material Options: Readily available feed stock options, including performance alloys like Inconel® and Stellite®.
  • Density: w-LMD produces fully-dense prints.
  • Innovation: Dual-print heads for mixed-alloy components, enhanced with Hybrid CNC Parts’ Alloy Composite™ technology.

Benefits of Hybrid Manufacturing

Hybrid manufacturing offers numerous advantages compared to conventional methods, including reduced material waste, shorter lead times, enhanced flexibility, and customization options. It is also ideal for the repair and refurbishment of high-value parts.

Less Waste

Significantly less material waste with material deposited only where needed.


Create, repair, modify, or enhance parts. Select from a large range of materials, including super alloys.

Complex Geometries

Ability to produce complex internal structures and intricate geometries. Near-net shape parts with minimal post processing.

Enhanced Properties

Improved mechanical properties through material optimization and functionally-graded Alloy Composites.

Surface Finish

High-quality surface finishes and tight tolerances.

Easy Customization

Easy customization of parts without the need for new tooling.

Reduced Lead Times

Faster production cycles with rapid prototyping, design iteration, and no extensive tool changes.

Integrated Functionality

Incorporate multiple functions and consolidate parts into a single component.


Extreme Environment Bearings

Nickel alloy (Inconel® 718)

These bearings were designed for NASA missions, where extreme environmental conditions are the norm. Temperature fluctuations, abrasive dust, corrosive atmospheres, and ionizing radiation are just some of the demanding conditions encountered.

We custom engineered Inconel® 718 bearings with enhanced mechanical properties and superior microstructure integrity, fabricated using w-LMD hybrid manufacturing. Inconel was chosen for its strength-to-stiffness ratio, high fatigue resistance, and ability to handle thermal expansion.

an inconel bearing engineered for the extreme environmental conditions of NASA missions

Hybrid Manufacturing Materials

w-LMD hybrid manufacturing accommodates a large selection of readily-available base materials, sourced as welding wire feedstock.

Example materials include:

  • Nickel alloys (e.g. Inconel®)
  • Cobalt alloys (e.g. Stellite®)
  • Stainless steels
  • Carbon steels
  • Tool steels

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